Borrowing Services

  1. Only Ministry staff can benefit from library resource lending service. The Ministry staff may loan up to four (4) books for fifteen days (15 days). At the same time the user has the right to extend the material up to twice (2) if not requested by another user.
  2. The user loans books through the "Ministry Personnel Card." The user can view the publications and the return dates by selecting the title of the Library Account on the web page.
  3. Periodicals are not loaned, only used in the library.
  4. Printed institutional theses are not loaned, only used in the library.
  5. Reference Resources and Rare Books (Encyclopedia, Dictionary, Handwriting Works, Stone Print Works, Engravings etc.) are not loaned.
  6. The library can shorten or abolish the lending times of widely used publications in line with their needs.
  7. No loan is available for users with overdue publication.
  8. The library may request the return of the loaned publication without expiration.
  9. If the loaned book is lost, the same book is provided by the user. If the book is lost and can not be found on the market, a corresponding book will be provided by the user.
  10. Users from outside the Ministry can only use the collection in the library.